Our Story
Our son Maddox is the worlds biggest animal lover! He is nothing shy of obsessed! One day while sitting at the dinner table he asked us why do we eat other animals, but we don’t eat Bentley (Our 12 year old Vizsla)? Now I had already known of some aspects of the damage being done by the factory farming industry pertaining to greenhouse gasses, our carbon footprints etc, and understood a little bit about the personal impact each of us have on the future that we are creating for our children. But I had much to learn about the details of my everyday lifestyle and how the single choices I make effect everyone around me for years to come. And believe it or not, I had never really thought about what was on my plate and what I was feeding to my children from the logical standpoint of “pets vs. food”. These are the thoughts that come natural to kids, but tend to get steamrolled over by societies traditions as we grow older. You put a child in a room with a chicken and an apple, and at no point would that child want to kill the chicken and play with the apple. His inherent nature would be to eat the apple and play with the chicken.
In my adult life, I had never personally cared about the animals that we as a society consider to be food, alongside the pets we chose to call part of the family. It wasn’t until my son posed this question, and began to pose more similar questions regarding animals that I really started to think differently about them and forced myself to answer with intention. This coupled with much more in depth research on the immediate and long term effects that our daily choices in food have on the planet, our personal health, animal welfare etc, caused us to make the switch as a family to a fully plant based diet around June of 2018. Now we are all healthier than ever, and with data that continues to pour in from the UN, EPA and countless other credible sources, we realize the scope of the impact this choice is making and we view the entire world in light of our daily choices very differently.
Prior to this major lifestyle change, my son and I would eat Jerky like there was no tomorrow. I knew this was going to be something that we’d miss tremendously. So I began to hunt for a great plant based Jerky option that could compare to the satisfaction we used to get from Jerky. After trying every brand I could find between health stores and online, we were left sorely disappointed. Being the chef of the house and new to the plant based world, I started experimenting. It didn’t take long for me to figure out a great substitute, that was not only delicious and healthy, but that would leave us saying “No Harm Done” after pounding the entire package! With my background in design and marketing I went to the drawing boards and developed the “No Harm Done - Jerkless Jerky” brand. With delicious flavors, very unique branding/packaging, and a dream team of 4 incredibly talented individuals who are all driven in their own ways by the entrepreneurial spirit we can’t lose! Our goal is to change as much as we can personally and to put a dent in the destruction we continue to cause along this human experience. We also want to encourage others to think past themselves and to take gradual or drastic steps toward being the change that we all want to see in the world.
No Harm Done is here for us, for the planet, and for the animals.